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Since 2012 IURC


The IURC is a fellowship, not a council, and wants to fulfill the dream of John Calvin, John Knox, John Gresham Machen and many others to unite historical Reformed Christians by the Confessional Reformed

Members have to agree with:

  • The statement that "The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are without error in all that they teach."

  • At least one of the following historic Reformed Confessions - The Scot Confession(1560), The Belgic Confession(1561), The Heidelberg Catechism(1563), The Canons of Dort(1619), The Westminster Confession of Faith(1643).

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©Since 2012 International Union of Reformed Churches. 2017 by IURC, Proudly Created with

South Korea NPO(Religion)  Identification Number  : 861-80-02948(Re. date:05/10/2024)

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